More houses than I thought…

Right off the bat, if you made your way here by way of US Modernist, welcome! Take a minute to check out the short back-story of these amazing homes and watch the videos.
Now, on to the updates for today!
I don't usually enjoy being proven wrong, but in this case I am very happy!
In our last progress report, and earlier in January when I spoke with KLTV, I thought there were only 30-40 of these amazing concrete houses built near the LeTourneau factory in Longview. I said as much!
Well, with the help of a handful of people, we have confirmed that, in fact, all of the planned 80 homes next to the Longview LeTourneau factory were actually built!

In other news, we are still in communication with Komatsu, getting our ducks in a row from a legal liability standpoint before we begin the real work of relocating and preserving these homes! More to come on that in the next update, but we are hopeful this process will start rolling ahead full steam in the next 4-6 weeks.
Keep an eye out for a formalized project timeline in the next update as well!
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