Progress Report #3

Howdy 👋
3 things for you today...
- A handful of updates
- A new way to support the project
- A cool story and Idea
Updates for the week
- We are excited to share that we are on track to have all the "legal mumbo jumbo" squared away with Komatsu in the next few weeks, which will allow us to finally start planning site visits with architects, engineers and other service providers.
- On that note, Stephen has been talking to the civil engineering department at LeTourneau University about ways to bring the department staff and students on site to learn from these buildings and potentially lend a hand in the planning process; more to come on that.
- The last update has to do with a new way to support and join us in our efforts...
We formed a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit organization..
Specifically created to save these homes. It's called the Machine-Built Architecture Conservancy Why did we do this? A few reasons.
For any local businesses who formally want to donate time or services to this project, it's simpler to use a dedicated organization than to try to donate to a larger nonprofit that isn't focused on only saving these homes. It also allows us to accept tax-deductible smaller donations from the many people who have reached out about donating over the last few weeks.
So how can I donate?
Right now we have set up 2 ways, which you can read more about here: Donate Today!
- Either a one-time donation of as little at $5, or..
- By adding a donation to your email subscription (don't worry, the free option is always going to be there!)
The donation tiers DO come with some little additional perks, so be sure to check them out and ask any questions by contacting us at

And finally, a story...
As we've been learning more about the history surrounding these homes, and more specifically, the whole neighborhood that existed next to the factory in Longview, we came across an old layout map showing where some homes were planned.
For anyone counting, there were a little over 80 homes slated to be built here. While we haven't confirmed exact numbers, we are fairly certain what's on this map was never fully built out. BUT we did learn that some other homes were built across highway 281 and on other nearby land, bringing the total number of homes to at least 80 at it's peak. This doesn't include the three built at Talley Bottom (but that's another story that's still being investigated!).
All of this staring down at maps led to an interesting idea: call it a 4th backup plan perhaps. Stephen explains below...
That's all for today! Stay tuned.
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